Things I wish I knew before I started blogging…

3 years ago I started my blog just out of curiosity and always wanted one.I did little to no research and thought I’d be super easy. I wish I had a little guide like this without the gimmicks and saying after you read this you will get a million followers. Here are some things I wish I knew before I started blogging and the real truth.


1. Do not buy all the fancy stuff right away.

You are just starting your blog. You don’t need all the fancy memberships when you’re just starting out. The honest truth is no one’s going to visit your blog right away. So invest in the stuff slowly.


2. Social media is your best friend.

I’m really bad at my social media. Especially my Instagram. But when you are a blogger these are your biggest way of marketing your blog. And it’s free. Especially Twitter is really good. You’ll find a lot of threads of new bloggers to get your blog out there.

3. Don’t put a post out every single day.


When I first started my blog I was posting 7 days a week. No one was reading my post because I was just starting out. I was putting out 7 posts a week. I got burned out too quickly, I was running out of ideas, and it was just not good. Take your time and find the perfect schedule for you and your blog!

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4. Monetization is super confusing.

.In June my blog turned 3 years old. And I am still working on monetization. It is beyond confusing and I don’t know what to do. I wish I would have done more research on this before starting my blog. And if you guys have any tips if you monetize your blog please let me know them.

5. It’s okay if no one visits your blog or your views are low.

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This is something I still struggle with today. Tara days when I don’t get a lot of views and again today it’s fine. I’ve done all I can with marketing and getting out there and it’s okay if I have a slow day. Cause the people who do see it is amazing and I know they loved it and that’s all that matters.

I hope you enjoy this blog post. Let me know in the comments down below what was one thing You wish you knew before you started your blog? As always guys I love you so much, thank you for everything you do, and I’ll see you in the next post!

4 thoughts on “Things I wish I knew before I started blogging…

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  1. Love your last point, and yes, it’s important to keep on going even on the slow days, weeks, even months. Awesome that you’ve been blogging for three years now, and here’s to many more years to come!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your blog is very helpful for new bloggers. I decided to start blogging one fine day and just did it. I hardly had any knowledge. I was just aware about WordPress but had never visited it. I just wanted to share my story and started a blog. There are so many things in blogging that now I feel I should have researched better. But I am happy its on and I am ok to learn in the process.

    Liked by 1 person

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